Where a genuine territory
gives rise to excellence


With every harvest for the past 75 years the Dal Bianco family has renewed its roots and inspiration. For this family, being winemakers means passing on over the years and generations the continuous thrill of taking care of Mother Nature’s precious gifts.


Every drop of wine encapsulates not only local history and the nature of the landscape, but also all the sacrifices and dedication of the people who created it.


Il metodo Masottina è un legame ancestrale e in continua evoluzione tra rispetto della
tradizione e interpretazione del futuro, ispirati dall’unicità del territorio, dalla
passione di famiglia, dallo stile inconfondibile comune a tutti i nostri vini.


Environmental friendliness and attention to consumers’ health begin with the raw materials we choose for our wines, from 193 SQNPI certified hectares and 86.5 hectares organic or undergoing conversion.

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